Saturday, March 17, 2007

7 hours, 28 points and who knows how many songs later

MUS-KET TRUS-KETT! That would be the name of our dorm team today as we doned pirate attire to represent Truskett House and compete in dorm olympics. Each team played netball, football ("footy"), ultimate frisbee, soccer, volleyball, tug-of-war, captain something-or-other (involving water balloons) and iron guts, which speaks for itself. The only ones I sat out for were football and netball because I had never seen it played and everyone was really competitive...Well and iron guts because only four people out of each dorm do that. Plus, I would never intentionally put myself through a race involving questionable, nasty food right after lunch.

Our team did really well. There were about 20 teams altogether and we were only three points behind the winners who had 31. I contribute it to the snazzy spray-painted pirate shirts and eye patches. In the beginning, each dorm had to present a song or skit. We did a song and I was glad people laughed at the appropriate times. Altogether, we were on the fields for seven hours today. It took me back to the field days of fourth grade.

Afterwards, everyone went back to the dorm while a few people set up a tent for the street party outside. Our dorm hosted and about four others were invited. It was more fun than I thought it would be and everyone was gone by 10 to go downtown. I didn't go because I didn't get much sleep last night and I have a lot of work to do tomorrow...So I'm writing this instead! :-)

The DJ here was pretty good, though. Everyone was dancing to 80s songs under the tent like it was their last day on Earth. I learned an Australian dance, too. It's kind of like the electric slide but not. It's called the Nut Bush. When Jules told me the name of it, I couldn't help but laugh. It's from a movie. One girl told me she thought it was an American thing. Definitely not.

At the football game, a few of the girls kept yelling "good hustle" and didn't know what it meant, so I explained it. They asked if that was an American thing, too. I don't think so.
It is kind of difficult to understand people sometimes. Someone will ask me a question and I have to stare at them for a minute, thinking, "What are they saying?" At the street party, I was mingling and a few times all I would have to say is hi and a few words and automatically: "Where are you from?" or "Are you American?" I really need to write down all my information and make copies because it's cool that people are interested, but it is tiring to repeat the same information over and over.
The States...North Carolina on the East Coast...Communications and criminal justice...No, I'm only here for a semester, until July...Actually, I didn't choose this school; I was placed here for exchange...Yeah, I really like it!
One guy I talked to tonight couldn't believe I'm from Charlotte. "The Carolina Panthers! They're my favorite NFL team! Steve Smith, man!" I never thought I'd find such a die-hard fan in Bathurst, Australia. And I'm over here unable to remember the name of the stadium!
That reminds me -- I saw another Michigan shirt a couple days ago. What's up with Michigan over here? It makes me feel like I should have a shirt, too.
P.S. I've been updating the Aussie lingo on the side, so take a look!
P.P.S. I can't fix the spacing for the last few paragraphs to save my life.


Mom3Kids said...

Love your pictures and I'm so glad you are getting to know people and making friends. That's wild about someone liking the panthers over there and WHO KNEW about Michigan?? Hey our neighbor's daughter goes there and he is from Ireland (and his sister lives in Sidney) - maybe they know something to this mystery.

LOve you much! MOM

sadie caprice said...

It's bank of America Stadium, just in case it comes up again. And i'm jeoleous of the field day and cool pirate t-shirts!