Friday, February 23, 2007

1st trip!

I get to go to the Blue Mountains tomorrow! It's about 2 hours away and I'm going with 4 other international girls. I flew over them on the way to Bathurst, but we'll get to take a train around them and do some sightseeing. We were going to go for a weekend, but a day trip is cheaper. (If you're not earning wages, can you call it "excome"? Because when you earn money, it's "INcome"...Just a thought).

We rented a car for the trip today. Shy (Manchester) and Astrid (Holland) will be driving because they have valid licenses here. If I had to drive a stick shift on the other side of the road, I would wreck before I got out of park.

Today was pretty good. This whole week has been long because of everything we've been doing. This morning, I walked all around campus and took about 75 pictures. I forgot to mention that there's a golf course on campus, too. I made the mistake of cutting through it to get to the buildings because the grass was wet and freshly...mowed? mown? I didn't have room for my AP Stylebook in my duffle. (That's the truth). By the time I got to the other side, my flip-flops had kicked wet grass and dirt all over the back of my legs. Such is life.

After lunch, I went swimming with a couple of girls and the sun didn't come back out until 20 minutes before we left, even though it had been out all day. When we went into town to rent a car, I got Chinese food and will not again until I come home. Pretty gross.

I also went to the Uni Bar tonight. Everyone goes out really early. Megan and I went to watch a karaoke type thing. This one guy played the drums, which was awesome, but then he started singing and it was terrible. I didn't stay very long because we have to get up early!

Oh yeah, and as a sidenote, it's really hard to get used to things happening on the other side. Not only do people drive on the opposite side, but they walk on the opposite side, too. I'm used to moving to the right when passing someone, but it's the other way around here and I keep running into people. You should've seen me at the grocery store.

Random fact: I don't know what they're called, but there are birds here that have a creepy call. Somewhere between a kid yelling and someone being strangled. Bless its heart. It reminds me of the scene in The Little Mermaid when Scuttle is trying to sing to make Eric kiss Ariel.

Until tomorrow, 'Ave a g'night.


sarah said...

i think that if it's not "income," it should be called "outgo" because it comes in and goes out. i know you needed my input on that. have you freaked out yet being in the passenger side of the car? going around curves, it feels like there's going to be a car right in front of you! anyway, hope the blue mountains are fun!

Happily Deranged said...

First a bar and now a golf course on campus? Are you sure this is a SCHOOL?? :P Seen any 'roos yet?

And I think both mown and mowed are right. (Yes, I looked that up.)